Friday, July 24, 2009

Muhammadi Rose water

" Sha'abaan is my month, whoever keeps fast in it, is worthy of heaven."
prophet muhammad (PBUH)

yesterday I was watching a program about washing inside of Kaaba (house of Allah in mecca) with pure Rose water from Qamsar ,a city near kashan

Kashan is filled with Mohammadi Rose, roses from which they extract high quality rosewater. This type of rose which has got such delightful fragnance, has been named after the prophet Muhammad PBUH.
Rose water is extracted from sweet-scented Muhammadadi rose,which is indigenous to Iran ,
Rose water is the hysrosol portion of the distillate of rose petals. Rose water can be used to flavor food, or as a component can be added to cosmetic and medical substances . In Iran we use it for religious purpose too. That's why each year , Kashan sends large amount of this Rose water to the holy city of mecca in Saudi Arabia as a gift to wash Kaaba with it on the first day of Shaaban.
Happy shaaban to whoever celebrates this blessing month .

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