Wednesday, October 27, 2010

terrorizing unity of ummah by wahabbism

During past few months every time I switched on some Wahhabi TV channels  I saw them focusing on a fake shia scholar  in Kuwait  who cursed lady Aisha one of the prophet PBUH's wives, the said person is living  in the UK now which might be  fishy too, as we know Brits has a long history  of the  creating fitna between Muslims a mater of fact Wahhabism is a British brand of Islam,(this can be discussed in detail ), as we know there was  important issue  with burning Quran in the USA and some other western countries, besides the  crazy pastor  started this burning project,  a former American senator insulted Quran in the worst way we can imagine yet these wahabbi channels decided to ignore such disrespect to Allah's words , I v never seen them to shed any single drop of  tears for  disrespecting  Quran the main source of guidance for mankind , I found it really strange that none of them mentioned anything about it , all they did was crying and cursing  shia Muslims calling them  kafar and  rafedhi,  they insulted Hezbollah in Lebanon  which proves that  they are promoting  Zionism in Muslim lands. they target Muslim youth   to entice them to cause islamic ummah  disunity. Alhamdulellah that Iran's  leader by his fatwa( religious verdict) prohibited insulting the prophet's wives and  companions once again  demonstrated Iranians  integrity with their Sunni brothers and sisters and shut the door of division of ummah.
unfortunately  wahabbism is sponsored by oil rich sheiks who are enslaved by the zionists , therefore  these TV channels are grown like mushrooms. their  creation is the Zionists dictum " to fight Islam through Islam"


  1. As-SALAM-o-alaikum

    Hope you're fine. I don't like wahabis and wahabi'ism a lot myself. They're quite irresponsive at times we feel a response to be necessary. But whatever, most wahabis know nothing about wahabi'ism themselves. just like sunnis don't know about sunni'ism etc.

    that crazy pastor wanted exposure. Giving him exposure would've been a mistake, yeah but they should've mentioned it not using his name but using the name of america (because you know america never prohibited his act because of fundamentalism or extremism but to save its soldiers in afghanistan).

    that pastor was no more than a pervert really. a few days ago, he was arrested for child pornography, he himself is a painter who painted many nude pictures, so he has no character and thus no respect. So he wasn't a problem.

  2. about wahabis I'd just say that one stupid mulla can't represent a whole set of muslims. and whether wahabis or shias or sunnis, all muslims are first Muslims then something else, if they know it and they believe it, well then being wahabi or sunni or shia isn't a problem

  3. After all these years of experience, what can I say, I didn't see that coming. But now I can see that too, that wahabbism is a threat to unity of Muslim world. didn't see that coming!
