Couldn't anti protest cops perform better and manage the situation wisely? Why some of the so called plainclothes intrude upon anti protest force's affair making it difficult for us to get to know the foreigner's hands in the riot?
we all know that western countries and Israel have been trying different plots against Iran trying to separate Iranians from the system , My question is why then we should provide them the opportunity to poison the atmosphere of Iran more and more by our own false deeds!?
I myself feel very proud of Islamic republic of Iran but I will never forgive any of the Islamic republic of Iran's rulers if they damage Islam, Islamic ethics.
When we establish our system based on Islam , we should let the pure Muhammadi Islam be reflected in our system, nothing more nothing less!
In Islam the relationship between man and god leads us to the principals which direct Muslims to develop and sustain interrelations between human beings.
"And hold by the covenant of Allah altogether and be not disunited, and remember the favor of Allah on you when you were enemies, then He united your hearts so by His favor you became brethren; and you were on the brink of a pit of fire, then He saved you from it, thus does Allah make clear to you His communications that you may follow the right way. "
Alee imran:103
Islam not only establishes peace, unity and Harmony between man and man but also co-ordinates mankind affairs. Islam puts universal interest above the individual interests:
" O you who believe! be upright for Allah, bearers of witness with justice, and let not hatred of a people incite you not to act equitably; act equitably ,that is nearer to piety and be careful of (your duty to) Allah ; Surely Allah is Aware of what you do. "
al maaida:8
Quran invites us to establish an institution which not only would call people to Allah but guide mankind towards the system which is approved by the humans conscience.
prerequisite of such perfect institution is forbidding evil and doing good, it is clear that one can become Muslim in tongue but a true Muslim should submit to Allah completely and shall not do anything outside the true path revealed through Quran. even the slightest deviation from his path and making amendments in the guidance provided by Allah and His prophet Muhammad PBUH and Ahlul bayt salamullah Alahum is as going back to the days of ignorance and falling into the abyss. There is a great punishment for such followers and scholars on the day of judgment.
So we should practice Quran in our daily life , lets our affairs be evaluated by quran and the prophet PBUH sunnah .
while we know the last presidency election with such turnout can be considered one of the peculiar pages of Iran's history , some of the traitors in the name of Muslims are showing their ugly sides, We Iranians are aware of Zionist threats and our colourful sworn enemies striving their best to destabilize Iran, nevertheless we stand against them bravely but we can't tolerate to see some local wrong doers damaging our Islamic morals by beating and killing a few people in jails . It is time for our supreme court to take action against those who have been ill-mannered with some of the protesters .as per Islamic sharia law they should treat them humanly with kindness to preserve their dignity .
even after a few speeches of Ayatollah Khamenei (the supreme leader) about islamic brotherhood advising the political circles in the country to be careful of their remarks and avoid rifts and asking the whole system to stay integrated and to correct their behavior,some of the rulers or so called members of the political elites perform beyond the law ignoring his advices.
I don;t know if i can call it fortunate or unfortunate event that after being idle for more than 30 days the supreme judge has commanded a group of his men to investigate about the recent violation of Islamic constitution and jurisdiction clauses in prisons.
Although our supreme leader's job is not really interfering the affairs of the three existing powers(legislator power:parliament, president of Iran and the judiciary system which are completely acting independent from each others according to our constitutional law ) except supervising them, recently we see that in every single matter Our leader is under pressure to appear and perform on behalf of the powers because there is a feeling that they haven't done their duty properly !
however at such difficult time the need for such a person and leader has been felt strongly, I just pray for him to be able to act independently and powerfully without being any one else's influence.
As much as I felt proud of him when he didn't surrender himself to an illogical request to dump the election which was flawless I would also like him to stand against any unfair discriminatory act against the imprisoned protesters and their families , and to put an end to the current military kind state.